Operation Slim Jim (UPDATE) – 11 Oct 2012


No changes to post today. Still FAT!  Tried to eat less junk and eat more healthy food including heaps of water.

Had some pizza mid week when friends came over.  Played footy in the park with the kids and did some skipping with my new rope also went for many energetic walks with the wife and kids after work.

Even though I did not lose or gain any weight this past week, I do still feel healthy and more energetic.  Maybe as I  approach my 50’s the old body just refuses to adjust.  Oh well I’m not giving up now; summer is nearly here and I gotta get in shape so I can fit into my red speedo’s!!

Until next time.

Stay fit and stay happy.

Todays Stats

Weight:               67.7 Kilograms
Waist Measurement:    92.5 CM
Date:                 11 October 2012


My goal is to get down to 60 kilograms over the next 6 months.